

Cambodia has a mild and safe climate, 和, 相比之下,泰国的邻国度假村, 越南, 和菲律宾, 从未有任何台风, 海啸或地震. The white beaches and warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand have recently attracted more tourists and investors from around the world.
最后计数, 柬埔寨 458 公里的海岸线和 52 岛屿. According to experts, 关闭柬埔寨海岸大约有 40 与投资潜力的岛屿. 其中一些已开发, 其中一些正在开发的开发公司, 其中包括来自中国, 日本, 俄国, 法国和其他国家.

在网站上 Sihanoukvilla.com 我们是目前最完整的岛屿目录 投资项目 在泰国湾.

苏梅甲板Koul (Koh de Kul)

上岛苏梅·库尔是 5 * hotel island Mirax Resort. New class hotel “套房” 在海湾坐落在一个小岛 (5 分钟. 西哈努克海岸乘船。) 舒适与豪华 – the two main characteristics of this hotel. The hotel occupies the entire island.
对本港: 三池, 两家餐厅 (厨房欧洲, 亚洲的, 海鲜餐厅).
酒店有 12 房间, 价格从 $ 300 到 3000, all with sea views. All rooms are furnished with antiques and objects of the colonial era.
Mac用户可以查看页面上的全景 MIRAX

苏梅Puos (苏梅浦)

苏梅浦也被称为“莫拉克岛 (莫拉克岛), or Snake Island. Koh Pu is 800 meters from the beach Victory. The island is still under development by Russian investors as luxury resort. The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge.

苏梅荣 (苏梅梯级)

苏梅荣是一个 78 平方公里的岛屿约 20 公里,离西哈努克海岸. 在联同皇家集团, 世邦魏理仕现正寻求领先的度假胜地和酒店品牌和投资者之间的合作伙伴创造真正的世界一流的度假胜地,在这个岛上, 它拥有:

  • 43 洁白的沙滩公里.
  • 在商业上可行的投资.
  • 生态无害.
  • 99 永久年的租赁合同.

Koh Rong in Cambodia

欲了解更多信息, please visit the dedicated website HTTP://www.kohrong.com.kh

苏梅Russei (苏梅鲁塞)

在 10 从西哈努克公里是一个小岛屿竹 (竹岛) the length of eight hundred meters. The coastline of the island completely covered with rocks. By Russa attracts tourists especially enchanting beauty of scenery, 蓝色和干净的海水, as well as a few tourists. Arriving here on the boat, you’ll spend a few unique and full of romance days. On both sides of the island who wish to open their doors hospitable owners of cafes, restaurants and inexpensive bungalows. Experienced and novice divers will get a lot of fun as you immerse yourself in the underwater world of this wonderful island.

苏梅打基辅 (苏梅是在基辅)

苏梅打基辅坐落在海湾, belongs to Cambodia. Included in the city-province of Sihanoukville. The surface of the island is covered with forest. The highest point is 63 米.
岛上是微薄的解决 – kaohtakieu.


的苏梅唐岛, 位于暹罗湾的核心是独特的地理位置, 以及未受文明的宝石,在其自然和生态特征. 红树林, 椰子, 香蕉, 菠萝,芒果, 竹林, 缺乏蛇, 和食肉动物.

Island Koh Tang in Cambodia
苏梅汤 – 在柬埔寨的天堂岛

上岛项目 “岛梦”. Details on the company website Monarh Investment Co. Ltd http://kohtang.org

苏梅Tunsay (兔岛)

Koh Tonsai is located at the south west coast of Cambodia. “为了Thonsáy” 指兔子岛, and it is located near the mainland city of Kep. Koh Tonsai is 4.6 东南部的大陆和岛屿,可以从白马港乘船到达.

